Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pure Ep03

The subs for ep03 are out. Enjoy. :)

I picked out some phrases which are easy and commonly used for those who are
interested in learning Japanese.
My explanation is intended for Japanese learners who have basic knowledge of
Please keep in your mind that I will only explain how those phrases are used in daily
conversation, but I won't explain them grammatically, since it is very hard to explain
grammar when the langu
age is your mother tongue.

Time: English Translation [Japanese]

0:02:57.44: Let me go. [Hanase]「離(はな)せ」

As you can see, he is demanding to let him go, so “Hanase.

If you want to ask politely, say “Hanashi te kuda sai「離してください」

0:04:11.66: I was right. [Yappari.]「やっぱり」

You can say Yappari when you want to say “That’s what I thought.” “ I was right.”

“I knew it.”

Following sentence is omitted in this line.

Yappari, soda to omotta.「やっぱり、そうだと思(おも)った」

0:05:36.41: Please calm down. [Reiseini natte kuda sai.]「冷静(れいせい)になってください」

Rieisei(noun) means calm. Natte kuda sai= Please become ---.

You can also say “Ochitsuite kuda sai.「落(お)ち着(つ)いてください」Ochichuku=Cool down. 

0:07:02.60: And you got all the blame. [Tonda nureginu deshita ne.]「とんだ濡(ぬ)れ衣(ぎぬ)でしたね」

Nureginu means wet clothes.

To be grammatically right, you have to say “Tonda nureginu wo kisase rare mashita ne.「とんだ濡れ衣を着(き)させられましたね」

Nureginu wo kiseru” is a proverb and it means 'frame somebody '.

For example,

"Watashi wa kare ni nureginu wo kiseta." [I framed him for what I did.]「私(わたし)は彼(かれ)に濡れ衣を着せた」

In the drama, the chief editor didn't exactly frame Sawatari, but he ended up taking

a fall for him, so you can use this expression.

As for Tonda, if you look up a dictionary, you’ll see the definition as “awful.”

But in this case, it’s just how people say it, and doesn’t exactly mean awful, it’s more like emphasizing the sentence. You can say this phrase either with or without it, but it sounds

more natural if you say with Tonda.

0:10:01.07: That's what you always tell me, huh.

Takako used the expression, “Mimi ni tako ga dekiru.” [I get calluses on my ears]「耳(みみ)にタコができる」

Taco means calluses as well as octopus.

The expression means just like when you walk too much, you'll get calluses on your heel, if you hear the same thing too many times, ears will develop calluses.

0:18:49.58: I envy them. [Iina. (=Urayamashii na)]「いいな(うらやましいな)」

Japanese use “envy” more often than English speaker does, but it’s not necessary as strong meaning as English’s “envy.”

For example:

A: “My husband comes home early every day.”

B: “Urayamashii. My husband is always late.”

Whenever I have to translate “Urayamashii” or “Iina,” I have to think twice if I should

translate it as “I envy you” or “I’m jealous.” since those two lines are a little too strong to express B’s feelings. So its’ more like “Good for you.”

Just keep in your mind Japanese use envy or jealous more casual than English speakers.


ume_boshi said...

Thank you so much not only for the subs, but also for your explanation of the different Japanese phrases!! I am always so interested in learning things like "Japanese use envy or jealous more casual than English speakers." That's something I could never find out on my own, so I really appreciate it. Thank you again!!

zooey said...

Thank you for the subs to episode 3. I love how the way the series is progressing. Can tell how Yuko's slowly whittling through Toru's defenses, the same way she patiently whittles wood for her artworks. He just might turn out to be her greatest masterpiece hehe. ^^

Also, thanks for sharing these commonly used phrases. Your notes are very informative, it'll help us viewers understand the context in which these phrases are used.

Chuks said...

Sorry for the huge fonts.
I tried to fix them but blogspot kept giving me an error, so I gave up.

I'm glad you found them useful.
It took quite time to write them. It was harder
than I thought to explain those things, so I'm relieved to hear some people found them useful.:)

Chuks said...


I agree. I'm glad the drama is taking time to
develop love between Yuka and Toru.
>He just might turn out to be her greatest masterpiece hehe. ^^
Haha, well said. :)

Tadanga said...

Thank you very much for the insider notes !!
I apologize if I seem ungrateful, but could you please add the kana as well and not just the romaji for these expressions ?
(if this blog supports asian fonts, of course)

Chuks said...

Don't worry, it doesn't sound ungrateful at all.
In fact those opinions help me to make better notes. I thought about adding hiragana as well, but I wasn't sure since not everybody can read Japanese. But I'll give it a try.